March 20, 2010

The U.S Economy Nowadays

According to researches that have been done since the beginning of the “world economic crisis” more than 16 million people have lost their jobs, what means that many more had their lives destroyed by this crisis. In the US, where the crisis has made it first victims, the situation is getting better now, but ir is still very complicated, because many unemployed people are homeless, hungry, and asking for government help, as many big companies.

The main economic symbol of US, the golden bull of Wall Street, which appears in the journals when the economy is doing well, hasn’t been showed for almost a year, but some weeks ago it appeared in the “New York Times” again. It’s a signal that the US is coming back, but still weak. People now are more confident about money, but they are still afraid of losing their homes. The most important economy in the world will be back, the bright stars will shine again, but it’s not going to be quickly.

By Guilherme Gervásio

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